Two-party system no longer a dream

Perhaps Pakatan should work out a campaign strategy that concentrates on major issues and ignores all side issues.  What would be the impact if Malaysians choose to vote only on those issues closest to their hearts? At the same time, Pakatan must continue to strengthen the solidarity within the coalition. It must be able to withstand more and stronger onslaughts from the Umno-BN hegemony.

By Stanley Koh, Free Malaysia Today

COMMENT If you are an urban dweller, you can almost smell the euphoria blown into the air by Pakatan Rakyat’s recent electoral victory in Sibu, which came soon after an impressive performance in Hulu Selangor. That says a lot about how unpopular Barisan Nasional is among urbanites, many of whom like to equate the ruling regime with the mafia.

Can the euphoria last? It is perhaps appropriate to remind Pakatan Rakyat not to be too complacent.

Chinese wisdom warns us that life is a rollercoaster, that we should be especially careful after an unusual series of lucky breaks, for misfortune might just be lurking around the corner.

Despite Pakatan’s popular appeal, it continues to face an uphill battle against a powerful and ruthless enemy. It must recognise that the story of contemporary Malaysian politics is a script for a Hollywood gangster movie, a tale of conspiracy, betrayal and sabotage.

While PKR can shrug off the ongoing exodus from its ranks as a cleansing process and a weeding out of hypocrites and other scumbags, many opposition supporters are worried that it may be letting its guard down.

Indeed, every component party in Pakatan is vulnerable in the battle of political wills with the powerful ruling regime, which is bent on destroying the goodwill within the opposition coalition. Especially since the political tsunami of 2008, BN has been relentless in trying to drive its wedges into the rival coalition to weaken and eventually destroy its collective strength.  It has shown remarkable obedience to Lenin’s notorious dictum: “In politics here is no morality, only expediency.”

However, the ballot can do more damage than the bullet. It is possible for conscientious and awakened Malaysians to throw out the BN government in the next round.


