Close to the Bone

Very real threats were made to Singapore. When will it be Malaysia’s turn? Financing came from Malaysia (among other places). Who will bear the brunt of this?

By John Doe

What evil people live among us?

I spoke over Skype the other day with a friend of mine, and he used the words “Boh Chap”. In Hokkien, it means “(I) Don’t Care”. Now, I don’t speak a word of Hokkien, nor any Chinese dialects, but these two words stuck in my mind. Why? Well, how many have read in the media about the Terrorists which were captured in Indonesia just recently?

Read more on Jakarta Post and on AsiaOne News.

OK, so who is funding these Terrorist Acts? The report goes on further to state, “… During the recent raids, police confiscated bank notes totalling about Rp 1 billion (US$110,000) from the suspects. The money was raised to finance acts of terror and run military-style training camps in Aceh,” he said. “The money was found in Rupiah, Malaysian Ringgit and US dollars from suspected terrorists Abdul Haris aka Haris Al Falah, Haryadi Usman, Syarif Usman, and Maulana”, Bambang said.

The Star newspaper reports, however, decided to omit the vast amounts of Ringgit found during the heist. This was expected, as we all know by now that the Star is one heck of a lop-sided News Agency.

What was also reported of the same Terrorist Group was that Malaysian Military Uniforms were found on these Men. News carried by SMH in Australia, confirms that, “… Police found rifles, Malaysian military uniforms and propaganda material including videos of the 2002 Bali bombings…” This same group is responsible for the Jakarta Bombings last year. And they are directly related to Malaysia’s Nordin Top, who was behind the 2003 JW Marriott hotel bombing in Jakarta, the 2004 Australian embassy bombing in Jakarta, the 2005 Bali bombings and the 2009 JW Marriott – Ritz-Carlton bombings, and Noordin assisted in the 2002 Bali Bombings. “Boh Chap”. OK. Got that.

The Jakarta Globe also announced that “… A forensic pathologist said on Wednesday that an examination of the body of the terrorist mastermind Noordin M Top, who was killed during a raid in Central Java last month, indicated that he had been sodomized at some point in his life. ‘There is an anomaly in Noordin’s anus because it is shaped like a funnel’, said Mun’im Idris, a forensic pathologist from the University of Indonesia. ‘It indicated that somebody had sodomized him.’” The same day Nordin Top was killed, it was announced all over Indonesian National TV, that , “No longer will Malaysians be a threat to Indonesia…”. I happened to be in Indonesia at that time, and heard it firsthand myself. Incidentally, Indonesian TV is also blaring that Malaysian Ringgit were found in the hands of these Terrorists. “Boh Chap”. OK. Got that again.

Continuing with the “Boh Chap” attitude, this turns up on the Bloomberg yesterday,  PtiNews,  AsiaOne News. and Channel News Asia.

The same Terrorists now want to blow up the Orchard Road MRT Station. I received many jittery phone calls from my friends in Singapore exclaiming exasperation on this. Singapore Blogs have exploded on this topic alone. Regardless of the persons involved, one thing is clear, and that is, that you now have some extremely rich people financing these operations. They raised US$110,000, which translates to roughly RM400,000. Poor people simply don’t have that kind of money to throw around. Sure, if you had 400,000 people giving RM1 each, but that means that you now have 400,000 Terrorist-Supporters living amongst you. “Boh Chap”. OK. Got that.

Notice how the Malaysian Government never criticizes any of these “Terrorist Activities”? KJ immediately takes to the streets in protest whenever anything “bad” is done by Israel, but always remains totally silent when Muslim Terrorists are decapititating people, burning churches, and planning assasinations. One cannot help but wonder if it has anything to do with the sale of arms, or the M-16’s being manufactured in Hulu Selangor. Maybe that’s the other reason BN insisted on keeping/winning that seat recently.

Still “Boh Chap”? Maybe you don’t deserve to be Malaysian. Look around you then, your friends, family, neighbours, and colleagues. Maybe this would be the last time you will see that person. Also, while you’re at it, you might as well look in the mirror, coz that might be the last time you look at yourself as well, before kaboom …. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

