Vanity thy name is Rosmah!

What must posses this women to sanction such air brushed images of herself? Was she ever this good looking once to be able to give the excuse that this images was of hers taken many many many (aisehman I think maybe too many “many” here…but maybe just one more “many” lah just to be on the safe side)..…many years ago and now used without her permission or her knowledge? Cannot lah! Even Najib must be unable to keep himself from sniggering when confronted by this image of his “controlling” beloved!

Methinks to be more precise the whole F@#*&i# nation must be killing themselves with laughter…holding on to their perut, swaying from side to side and breaking out into wave after wave of ha ha ha…ho ho ho and hee hee hee…falling all over the floor and always with the “coming from the gut” kind of laughter…which is exactly what the doctor ordered in order to give us some respite from these horrendous times that we now find ourselves in! Just picture the three Bujang Lapok – Ajis, Sudin and Ramlee – trying to make sense of the images and the “real” thing! Impossible they will say!

Remember what Bubba said in Forest Gump about what can be done to prawns?


