Democracy is not easy

A video calling the world to not let democracy be abused by making sure we actively participate in all aspects of the democratic process. It also shows what can happen to the value of democracy if we let the so-called “proponents of democracy” go about their business unchecked.

By Jaginder88

Talking in 6 languages (Mandarin, Tamil, Malay, Punjabi, English and American Sign Language).

Then there are certain freedoms in democracy that may not be appealing for some but that is how it makes democracy work. The beauty of democracy is tolerance. It also besieges the majority to look after the minority needs. Finally, what may seem like a funny segment, showing the world that certain governments may try to suppress our rights to expression, new ways may evolve to help spread the “word” (like the Internet, our new found ‘silent’ media). There is hope even for those from the far flung parts of the world!


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