KTM land deal with Singapore: Why Malaysia could be missing the opportunity

When the news broke that Najib has struck a deal with Singapore’s counterpart Lee Hsien Loong regarding the KTM land in Singapore, I am surprised to see some commentators and readers sounding positive with it. Some readers on Malaysiakini were even surprisingly critical of Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s suspicion of the deal.

By Guan Sin

Not much detail has been disclosed regarding the deal, so judging the merits of the deal is certainly premature. However, we should note that any deal coming from a prime minister of Malaysia with no track record of integrity is always alarming, especially when it seems to be rushed and little detail is disclosed. You can’t fault anyone to think of another “submarine” or “Altantuya”.

And let’s wait for further details to be disclosed, if it will ever come. I bet many who are positive with the deal have not personally visited the KTM site. They would fail to appreciate the full opportunity (read: $$$) that Malaysia could be missing out.

I have extracted a map from Google Maps and indicated landmarks of significance in the larger area:

Click for larger view

The KTM land is located in Tanjong Pagar (lower left corner in the map), right at the end of a major street called Shenton Way. The area consisting of Shenton Way and Robinson Road is the heart of Singapore’s financial industry, where important institutions and landmarks, like Monetary Authority of Singapore (Singapore’s Bank Negara), The Treasury, DBS Bank, CPF (Singapore’s EPF), SIA Tower, Capital Tower, International Plaza and Singapore Exchange, are located. At the adjacent area called the Marina Bay, the ‘new CBD (central business district)’ is currently under heavy development. That’s where the most expensive property can be found. And incidentally that’s also where the newly open ‘sin city’ of Singapore – Marina Sans Integrated Resort a.k.a. the casino – is located. The expressway at the bottom of the map snaking across is East Coast Parkway (ECP). Lands north of ECP are all prime (huge $$$), and south of it are the parks, sea and Keppel port. You can see that the remaining space with potential for further development is none other than the KTM land.

Read more at: https://airkosong.com/_/2010/05/26/ktm-land-deal-with-singapore-why-malaysia-could-be-missing-the-opportunity/
