PKR fielded ‘Umno’ candidates in GE 2008, says Anwar

The PKR de facto leader claimed that some of PKR’s members who have since either left or who have been sacked from the party joined only because they thought they would be able to secure some “financial renumerations” or rewards later on.

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has admitted that PKR’s hastiness in fielding candidates during Election 2008 resulted in the party choosing leaders who were still caught up with “the Umno mindset.”

Anwar said that back in 2008, the party was ill-prepared as they could not get enough people to contest for various seats and this was the reason why “mistakes” were made, resulting in the party taking in whoever it could find.

“When it comes to elections, at the time we were ill-prepared, you had to make do with whatever you had,” he told The Malaysian Insider in an interview this week.

Anwar said that during the March 2008 general elections which saw ruling federal coalition Barisan Nasional (BN) lose its traditional two-thirds majority in Parliament, PKR had trouble recruiting people to contest because it was considered a new party.

He said that prospective candidates declined offers to join PKR because they “were not sure they were going to win”, leading to Anwar having to approach more seasoned politicians from Umno to join PKR.

“It’s true. I accept that, the reason being because it’s a new party, people do not want to take the risk. All smart guys and professionals and intellectuals like you who give critical assessments (of PKR).

“At the time nobody wanted to participate in the elections and become our candidate. It’s a new party, you are not sure you are going to win.

“And I had to spend a lot of time persuading some people whom I considered (at the time) to have good potential,” said Anwar.

The PKR de facto leader claimed that some of PKR’s members who have since either left or who have been sacked from the party joined only because they thought they would be able to secure some “financial renumerations” or rewards later on.

“I cannot absolve (myself) from responsibilities… at the time there were potential candidates but they were not willing to contest, so we had to catch those that we felt could survive. During the early stages, we saw hope, we were strong, we could “bertahan” but September 16 came.

“At the time maybe some of them thought they could finally get a place in the Federal Government.

“When they did not get it they felt disappointed. And then came the issue of contracts like in Penang, corruption like in the case of Perak, over claims in Kedah,” quipped Anwar, in reference to the slew of reasons given by former party members who have since defected.


