RPK: Anwar dispensable, Khalid a failure

He said that Selangor is the flagship or jewel in Pakatan’s crown and that therefore it has to perform better than Penang. But Penang is instead performing better than Selangor. Agreed, Khalid is facing a lot of obstacles. But so is (Penang CM) Lim Guan Eng, Azizan (Abdul Razak) in Kedah and Nik Aziz (Nik Mat) in Kelantan. But Guan Eng just plods on and takes these obstacles in his stride. He does not use them as an excuse on why he can’t perform the way he would like to.

By K Kabilan, Free Malaysia Today

FMT EXCLUSIVE Opposition party PKR needs to wean itself off Anwar Ibrahim and start grooming a new batch of leaders to take it forward, said popular blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin who is now in exile in London.

He said that the party, and for that matter the opposition pact Pakatan Rakyat, was relying too much on Anwar for leadership.

“The problem with Anwar is that he does not have a good team. What if Anwar dies tomorrow? Do you mean that PKR or Pakatan Rakyat is also dead?

“No man is indispensable. Every one can be replaced, Anwar included,” he told FMT in an exclusive interview.

Raja Petra also disagreed with talks that Anwar was neglecting the opposition agenda as a result of his ongoing sodomy trial.

“The sodomy trial does not matter. What matters is that Anwar must have a good team.

“Even President Ronald Reagan was able to run the United States because he had a good team — if you know what I mean,” he said.

He also said that while Anwar should remain the PKR and opposition leader, “his team must ensure continuity”.

“But this is what we do not have at the moment. Everything rests on Anwar’s shoulders. And that is bad.

“All they need to do is to send Anwar to jail or put a bullet in his head and we are all dead. How can we allow for that?” he added.

He stressed that the opposition’s future should not be about Anwar. “Anwar can come or he can go,” he said.

Khalid has failed

Raja Petra also did not mince his words in criticising the leadership of Khalid Ibrahim as the Selangor menteri besar.

He said that Selangor is the flagship or jewel in Pakatan’s crown and that therefore it has to perform better than Penang.

“But Penang is instead performing better than Selangor. Agreed, Khalid is facing a lot of obstacles. But so is (Penang CM) Lim Guan Eng, Azizan (Abdul Razak) in Kedah and Nik Aziz (Nik Mat) in Kelantan.

“But Guan Eng just plods on and takes these obstacles in his stride. He does not use them as an excuse on why he can’t perform the way he would like to,” he said.

He said Khalid failed to be “brutal” in attacking the remnants of Barisan Nasional in the state. He noted that there were “rats” happily nibbling away and plotting on how to bring Selangor down.

“But how many rats did Khalid burn? How many corrupt people did he line up against the wall and shoot dead?

“If Khalid can’t get rid of the rats, then he should go instead. Then let a new ‘Khomeini’ take over and clean up the state. That is the only way to save the state,” he said.

“If the fire is too hot, then get out of the kitchen. Don’t complain that you can’t take the heat. There are others who can do your job if the job is too much for you to handle,” he added.


Part 1 – RPK: 1Malaysia will be Najib’s downfall

