Anti-ISA Watch

12 noon-1.15pm, Saturday, 29th May 2010, Outside the Malaysian Tourism Office in Trafalgar Square, London, UK

Dear Friends,

Its time for our monthly anti-ISA watch again!
This coming Saturday the 29th of May 2010 between 12.00-1.15pm
Outside the Malaysian Tourism Office in Trafalgar Square, London. Trafalgar Square has been a focal meeting point for a number of important demonstrations in the past, including the campaign to free Nelson Mandela from 27 years of political detention under the apartheid regime in South Africa.
While Malaysian Ministers are busy polishing Malaysia’s image abroad, hobnobbing in London with celebrity  chefs, getting into the Monocle and promoting Malaysia as a paradise holiday destination, let’s remind them that we have not forgotten their straight-jacket tactics and that they can’t make ‘orang utans’ out of us! Malaysia needs to sort out its human rights record- now! Let’s come together to send the government a strong message that the world is watching and the ISA must be consigned to the history books.
This year the Malaysian Internal Security Act celebrates its 50th birthday. Since its inception it has been used with impunity as a weapon by the Malaysian government against opposition politicians, human rights activists, journalists, bloggers and ordinary civilians. Hishammudin Rais, human rights activist, ex-ISA detainee, comedian and playwright has said that ‘The ISA is like a guillotine that is constantly hanging over the heads of  the citizens of Malaysia. ‘The sobering fact is that this guillotine does not discriminate – anyone at anytime can be on the sharp end for saying or thinking anything considered to be against the status quo.Let’s get civil society moving to put an end to human rights abuses in Malaysia.
**There will also be a surprise event – ‘Art Against the ISA’. Come and find out more!
The Abolish ISA Movement-UK
