PKR closes ranks as RPK attacks

Tian Chua: RPK whacks both sides

“I’m not surprised. It’s not unusual for RPK to speak his mind like this,” said PKR strategic director Tian Chua. “He whacks both sides.”

Joseph Kaos Jr, The Malay Mail

Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) leaders have closed ranks in response to criticism hurled at the party by Raja Petra Kamarudin or RPK, saying remarks made by the blogger was typical of him and would only be for the betterment of the party.

“I’m not surprised. It’s not unusual for RPK to speak his mind like this,” said PKR strategic director Tian Chua. “He whacks both sides.”

“Maybe it’s just BN who think RPK slams them more because they realise they have more sins than us.”

“RPK is entitled to his opinions and I respect that,” said Chua, also the Batu MP.

“However, I disagree with the notion of PKR being dependant on Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and that we cannot manage without him.”

“We started Keadilan while Anwar was in prison and we survived. It is not Anwar who ran the party then, it was the card-carrying members and the rank and file who did.” Tian Chua described Anwar as an icon and inspiration to the party and the country’s reform movement.

“He is an icon like Nelson Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyii. They are symbolic to their parties and causes.” On RPK’s disapproval of Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim’s leadership, Tian Chua said Pakatan Rakyat had chosen Khalid to head Selangor because he was the best among the list of potential leaders back then.

“We do take note of RPK’s criticism. But one must remember, you cannot fix the problem by merely replacing its leader. We must fix the policies.”

Echoing this stand, PKR Wanita chief Zuraida Kamaruddin said: “RPK has always been critical of our performance as a party, but that is because he is passionate about PKR. If he criticises the party, that is because he wants to help the party succeed.” The Ampang MP said no one in the party, even Anwar, was indispensable.

“It is important for us to have good captains to lead the party into the future. Not many have surfaced so far, but I feel things have been moving well.”

“The BN have had 50 years of power and we, just two years. We are still much better, even though it is not good enough. What the party needs to do is strengthen its machinery and study how to better reach out to the grassroots and the rakyat.”

PKR running Selangor on borrowed time, say BN

Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders were not surprised by fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin’s outburst against the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) leadership and Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

All three BN leaders told The Malay Mail yesterday it was a sign something was brewing within PKR and the Selangor State government.

“For a fugitive like Raja Petra, who has been against the establishment, to criticise PKR and Khalid’s leadership as Selangor MB, it is indeed something,” Selangor opposition leader Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo said.

“Mind you, this was from one of the fiercest critics of the BN government.” In an interview with a news portal yesterday, Raja Petra said PKR needed to detach itself from its de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and groom a new batch of leaders to take the party forward.

The self-exiled controversial Malaysia Today portal founder and editor was quoted as saying: “The Pakatan Rakyat was relying too much on Anwar. Everything rests on Anwar’s shoulders. And that is bad.”

“The problem with Anwar is that he does not have a good team. What if Anwar dies tomorrow? Do you mean that PKR or Pakatan Rakyat (PR) is also dead?”

Noting the ongoing sodomy trial involving Anwar, Dr Khir Toyo said the blogger’s criticism of PR heightened the impression that PKR lacked depth in leadership.

“At last, someone has confirmed what’s been going on about the Opposition pact – the PR leadership lacks credibility.”

“I was not surprised Raja Petra did not mince his words on Khalid’s leadership as Selangor MB,” said Dr Khir Toyo, adding it was an open secret Khalid was not PR’s first choice as Menteri Besar.

“It is not shocking to note some PKR assemblymen were not on the same page ever since they took control of the State, especially when challenging the MB openly on many issues, including the latest Kumpulan Semesta sand-mining corruption fiasco.”

The former MB noted Selangor, as the so-called crown jewel of PR States, has only managed to garner RM5 billion last year on foreign investments compared to RM11.2 billion a year when Dr Khir Toyo was at the helm.

MCA vice-president Datuk Donald Lim Chiang Sai took the same stand, noting PKR and PR leaders had, on many occasions, not presented the same political agendas.

Describing Raja Petra’s comments as valid and objective, he said: “There is a dearth of cohesion among the PR leaders. Selangor is a good example, with them openly criticising each other. It goes to show PR has no clear direction and when Anwar goes, their ship will sink.” MIC Youth Chief T. Mohan recalled how PKR made a lot of promises in Selangor but have yet, been unable to keep their word.

“They promised to conduct local elections. Housing schemes, land status issues and many more were promised to be resolved during the general election. I doubt the State government can keep these promises.”

Stating PR is occupying the Selangor government on borrowed time, he felt the PKR de-facto leader was selected as the Opposition leader only to accommodate his personal agenda as PM in-waiting.

RPK Interviews

RPK: Anwar dispensable, Khalid a failure

RPK: 1Malaysia will be Najib’s downfall

