Prostitution a source of income for PDRM?

I am accusing them of complicity – if not all of them then the majority of them. Of complicity in ensuring that not only do the trade in these females flourish but it also stays beyond the reach of the law and religious authorities.

By Steadyaku47

                        INTEGRITI AMALAN KITA ?????? HUH?

15 foreign masseuses held at reflexology centre

JOHOR BARU: Fifteen foreign female masseuses were detained in a raid at a traditional reflexology centre in Jalan Pingai, Taman Pelangi here last week. Of the 15 women, eight of them were believed to be victims of a human trafficking syndicate.

The eight, seven Cambodians and an Indonesian, between the ages of 18 and 20, were believed to have been brought into the country legally under the pretext of securing jobs in factories.
The raid was conducted by a team from the Federal Police Anti-Vice, Gaming and Secret Societies (D7) division following a tip-off.

Let me tell this as it is – as it should be told rather then the above media headlines which seems to tell us that PDRM is on top of everything. In this matter what they are on top off is open to conjecture. I want to say here categorically that 90% of these “reflexology centre” in this country are fronts for prostitution. Full stop!

Let us take Jalan Bukit Bintang. The massage centers, SPA, reflexology centers on that street and on the side street running off Jalan Bukit Bintang are centers for prostitution. The Massage Center at the Federal Hotel – a center for prostitution that not only has the vice squad officers on a monthly retainer but also entertains them on a need basis – not their needs but PDRM needs. This massage center is confident enough to have Malay girls on their premises without fear of being raided by PDRM or the religious authorities.

You can see the cars carrying these ladies of the evenings to and fro along these streets delivering them to the various hotels and massage parlors for them to do their “business” and their business is prostitution! Chinese from China, Cambodians, Thai, Burmese’s, Indons, Russians – for a price they can all be got in Jalan Bukit Bintang.

Stake out the back of Federal Hotel – the road between the Hotel and the Bowling alley – and you see the activities of these pimps with their females. Gone are the days when only Protons were exclusively used (a fact that Mahathir would have approved – the use of Proton I mean!) – but no longer because Proton cars die too soon though you do see them sometimes – but there is no denying the existence of these pimps and their charges – and where are the Police? Where are the Federal Police Anti-Vice and D7 officers?

I am accusing them of complicity  – if not all of them then the majority of them. Of complicity in ensuring that not only do the trade in these females flourish but it also stays beyond the reach of the law and religious authorities. Are you telling me that PDRM is not aware of these activities? That the IPK Selangor situated in the heart of things – in front of the Pudu Jail –  is totally ignorant of this lucrative business in Bukit Bintang?

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