Please tell me again what it is that you non-UMNO guys and gals do within BN?

Does he and his UMNO/BN colleagues understand what got us into this position in the first place? Has he made any serious efforts to educate his minions in UMNO/BN that continuous policies since the time of Mahathir, aimed at appealing to their Malay voter base and ensuring their continued rule, is the very cause of our problems today? Why now push the buck to ordinary Malaysians with a veiled threat that we must make the wise choice?

By romerz

I had originally wanted to blog about Idris Jala’s warning that the country could be bankrupt in nine years. (Malaysiakini’s report – Idris Jala: Country will be bankrupt in 9 years)

On 9 March 2010, I had written about this impending spiral towards bankruptcy when I blogged about the government’s intention to introduce GST – The brewing storm of GST so I will say no more on this subject (for tonight anyway) and leave it to the finance wizards to take up this issue further of Idris Jala’s proposed removal of subsidies.

All I will say is that when PM Najib was asked about Idris Jala’s proposed removal of subsidies, he said “The people will decide if subsidies are maintained or abolished but the important point is that they must fully understand the consequences of that decision”. (The StarOnline report – The people will decide if subsidies stays or go)

Does he and his UMNO/BN colleagues understand what got us into this position in the first place? Has he made any serious efforts to educate his minions in UMNO/BN that continuous policies since the time of Mahathir, aimed at appealing to their Malay voter base and ensuring their continued rule, is the very cause of our problems today? Why now push the buck to ordinary Malaysians with a veiled threat that we must make the wise choice?

(Image from

Anyway enough of that subject. Instead I will blog about another report that caught my attention. In some ways this issue is related to the subsidies issue and could be argued that all the problems faced by this country today stem from the fact UMNO has gotten too big and powerful, arrogant and greedy, that they think both the party and the country are one! All started by that biggest traitor of all, Mahathir.

PM Najib had said that he had the backing of UMNO’s Supreme Council when he made the deal with Singapore to relocate the Tanjong Pagar railway station. (Malaysian Insider’s report – Najib says Umno backs Singapore deal)

Nowhere did he say that he had the full support of the cabinet nor the majority of parliament over such an important issue such as territory! So now it is only the UMNO Supreme Council that is required to decide on territorial issues? So what bloody good are those non-UMNO component parties of BN there for?

Read more at:
