Too Much in the Hands of Too Few

I thought, like many others, that we have a democratic government which is elected by the people. Now, it looks like power is in the hands not of BN as a whole including all its component parties but in the UMNO Supreme Council.

By Masterwordsmith

In 1887, Lord Acton said : “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.“ Why am I bringing it up? Simple. The Malaysian Insider reported HERE that our PM had obtained the backing of the Umno Supreme Council for the government’s decision to relocate the Tanjong Pagar railway station in Singapore. The report said:

The prime minister also said more meetings with Singapore would be required to solve other contentious bilateral issues.

“My explanation was accepted by the supreme council and they are of the view that the solution is a win-win for both Malaysia and Singapore,” said Najib (picture) after chairing the Umno supreme council meeting here.

On former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s suggestions to solve other bilateral issues, Najib said those matters would be addressed in stages.

“We look at these in stages. One meeting cannot solve everything,” he said.

“I believe with trust, a lot of issues can be addressed,” said Najib. Click HERE for more.

I thought, like many others, that we have a democratic government which is elected by the people. Now, it looks like power is in the hands not of BN as a whole including all its component parties but in the UMNO Supreme Council.

  • Shouldn’t the Cabinet be consulted on such a serious matter?
  • Why did the PM only consult the UMNO Supreme Council? What is the rationale behind the move?
  • Why are the BN component parties and Opposition silent on this? There should be many queries wrt this move.
  • How are decisions made? How are decisions SUPPOSED to be made? Who ultimately decides on How decisions are made?

Until and unless true democracy exists, our nation is likely to face such scenarios and are we happy with this? What are we going to do about this? Who owns political power in our nation?

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