Drastic decision needed for Sabah and Sarawak

By B Nantha Kumar, Free Malaysia Today

KOTA BARU: Delegates from Sabah and Sarawak have called on PKR to make a firm decision on its role and commitment in the Borneo states, saying “this is time”.

Referring to its recent success in the Sibu by-election, Paul Raja, a Dayak from Sarawak, said it was imperative that PKR take drastic steps to consolidate its place in Sarawak.

“This is the time for PKR to rise in Sarawak.

“The party already has a foothold in the peninsula. It is not rational for PKR to continue to wait for the right time to initiate change in Sabah and Sarawak,“ he said.

Raja said the Dayaks in Sarawak were enslaved by the ruling regime.

“Dayak are slaves in their own land. Their lands have been confiscated and homes destroyed.

“It’s not just happening to the Dayaks but also to the Ibans and the Muruts and Kadazans in Sabah,” he said.

He said all contracts were squandered by BN cronies, and the Dayaks were not included in mainstream development activities.

“The Dayaks are losing their faith in BN. After 50 years, fundamental issues such as identity cards for them remain a problem.

“To go to court is difficult. They can’t even ask that the issue of their native land rights be raised at the state assembly sitting,“ he said.

He said as long as BN remained in Sarawak it was not possible for Dayaks to progress.


