Fulfil promises to the people: PKR Youth Chief

(The Star) – PKR Youth chief Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin has called on Pakatan Rakyat’s top leadership to improve its governance in the four states under its control.

He said there was still room for improvement in terms of governance and administration of Kedah, Penang, Selangor and Kelantan, and called on the leadership to put into action all that they had promised the people.

“We cannot just survive on speeches and devising policies. We must implement policies. We cannot continue to blame Barisan Nasional for structural weaknesses in the four states,” Shamsul Iskandar said at the wing’s sixth national congress yesterday.

The critical tone of Shamsul’s speech set the pace for the wing’s delegates who later vented their dissatisfaction at party leaders, including Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

A delegate from Kedah even suggested that if the party failed to change in the next five months, the grassroots would institute such changes internally.

Azman Nasrudin criticised the leadership, saying it was too preoccupied with scoring points with Umno and Barisan while neglecting the grassroots’ support.

He warned about the discontent among grassroots members, which was why only 50% of the delegates and observers had turned up for the congress.

The organisers had said that 500 delegates and 300 observers were invited to the annual party gathering.

Azman said that since 2007 not a single programme had been organised for grassroots members.

“Our members are not exposed to the party’s struggles. We can always condemn Umno. We can do it any time but let us focus on ourselves. There is no need to keep harping on Umno. We are fed up hearing about them. My ears hurt,” Azman, who is from Sungai Petani, said.

He also reminded leaders, including the Youth leadership, to take heed of the party’s weaknesses, saying that they must be willing to speak up when something was wrong.

“We may not agree with our supreme leader (Anwar) all the time, but we love the party. We love him, but at times, we cannot simply just follow him,” Azman added.

