PKR Youth to hold Malay congress

“The Malay votes have decreased a bit so we must have specific programmes to ensure that the Malay voters understand the struggle of PKR. So of course we need to use channels such as the congress and forums to give a better understanding to the public especially the Malay community,” he told reporters here last night after the wing’s convention ended.

Written by Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani, The Malaysian Insider

KOTA BARU, May 29 — PKR Youth will hold its inaugural Malay congress in its effort to attract more votes from the country’s dominant community.

PKR Youth chief Syamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin said the congress is an ideal platform to gauge its support from the Malay electorate.

“The Malay votes have decreased a bit so we must have specific programmes to ensure that the Malay voters understand the struggle of PKR. So of course we need to use channels such as the congress and forums to give a better understanding to the public especially the Malay community,” he told reporters here last night after the wing’s convention ended.

He added that a public debate will allow two-way communication between the party and its Malay supporters.

Syamsul stressed that holding a Malay congress will not alienate the party will other communities.

“We are not a party that will never neglect other communities and we will struggle for all races. However, the Malays need some kind of assurance so we will need a platform to debate in the open. Actually we do not know the reasons that are causing the Malays to be so scared of PKR.

“I don’t think the congress will alienate other communities because we can hold other programmes for the other races. We also need to know the response from the Malays because the Chinese are very supportive of PKR and PR. But we have problems with the Malay voters so we need to address it. So we do not want to run away from the problem,” he added.

PKR Youth vice-chief Khairul Anuar confirmed that the congress will be held in Selangor.

He emphasised that the party was trying to prove that it was pro-Malay.

“We want tell the Malays that we are concerned about them and we are Malays. A lot of Malays are in PKR. There is nothing wrong to talk about Malay issues in PKR.

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