You are at the Mercy of the System

By Jahaberdeen Mohamed Yunoos

You are at the mercy of the system. Do you not want to make sure it is does not oppress you?


The majority of us are ordinary citizens. Ordinary in the sense that we go about our own lives without much influence on the system that surrounds us. However, with every turn, our lives are affected by the system we live in. Let me make myself clear by giving an example.

It can be a very simple thing, for example: You want to start a small business because you want to support your family and earn an income. Having registered your business, you now may want to apply for the relevant permits or licences. This application process should be a simple and routine process. The relevant authorising officer should simply ascertain whether your application complies with the law. If all requirements under the law are complied, then, the application should be expeditiously approved. If there are any shortcomings, he should advise you to rectify the same. After all, civil servants are supposed to be civil and “servants” of the Rakyat.

However, do things always go according to what I have described above?

the system rasuah tyranny

You may meet an officer who wants to be taken “care of” before he can “speed up” or even approve your application. You are in a dilemma.You are starting a business because you need income to live but you have to pay “toll” first. You also know that the request is immoral and illegal because it is corruption. You get frustrated, maybe angry but you realise you need the licence.

You have bills to pay. You have a family to support. You have to find money to live because God has given you a life. So, you need the licence or permit. All you want is to do a business and earn honestly. But the system seems to oppress you and prevent you from doing so.

So, you weigh your options. You can report the officer to his superiors – but will the superior protect his officer and put you into trouble instead? Your mind worries. All you want is just the licence or permit. Maybe you should report the officer to the MACC, you wonder. But all you want is just the licence, your mind insists. Further, you are concerned about “how to prove.” It is just your word. You are also concerned that your application for the licence may be further jeopardised. In this country, we still do not have an Act to protect whistle blowers adequately.

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