Ibrahim Ali is my hero

Ibrahim Ali is the only person in Malaysia who loves the Malays. None can surpass his love for his race than Ibrahim Ali. Never mind the fact that he built a bridge with the assistance of non Malay contractors. Never mind the fact that his business associates and even backers are non Malays. He is a Malay first through and through. He is, every inch, certified, bona fide Malay. He is more UMNO than UMNO. He is more Malay than Dr Mahathir. 

I have another installment essay on the subsidy issue. I shall post it later. At the moment, I have to take a leave of absence from that topic. This term seems to be very popular nowadays.

I want to talk about another more urgent issue. I want to save myself from being labeled a traitor to the Malays.

Before Muay Thai fighters fight they performed the wai kru ceremony. This is some sort of salutary dance paying homage to their teachers and masters. I find myself now having to perform a political wai kru. I pay homage to the only person in Malaysia who loves his Malay race. He is kru Ibrahim Ali. Stopa to folks back in Pasir Mas.

Ibrahim Ali is the only person in Malaysia who loves the Malays. None can surpass his love for his race than Ibrahim Ali. Never mind the fact that he built a bridge with the assistance of non Malay contractors. Never mind the fact that his business associates and even backers are non Malays. He is a Malay first through and through. He is, every inch, certified, bona fide Malay. He is more UMNO than UMNO. He is more Malay than Dr Mahathir.

Amir sham Abdul Aziz has been branded as a traitor to the Malay race. He is the one responsible for coming up with the New Economic Model- the model by which the PM will manage the economy in the years to come.

Actually there is no such economic model. None has been published definitively. So we cant comment on something that has not been finalized. Even PM Najib says nothing has been finalized. PM Najib doesn’t know it- but people are saying, a pattern has now emerged. lets see.

The way PM Najib does things nowadays, he is turning flip flopping into a new art form. He has become a political contortionist. Subsidy? Trial balloon. NEM. Not finalized yet. Sungai besi land? Concluded. RRI land? Concluded. Sports betting? Already settled. Kampung Bharu land? Unlocking hidden value.

Amir Sham is paying the price now. Because of the NEM he is called a traitor to the Malays. He is after all a rapacious ex banker who couldn’t string an answer in Parliament. What does he know? He knows only debits and credits. He knows only digits.

Who has labeled him so? It was done by that ominous Malayness accreditation body- Perkasa which is headed by Ibrahim Ali. I am not related to Amir Sham even though we share the same surname. So before any of the Perkasa people say I am guilty by association, I must absolve myself.


