Cabinet Recyle: Losing the young, yet again

“These are all recycled leaders. Leaders who have already been given the chance to do something for their community but failed. Now they have returned,” Batu MP Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.

By Malaysia Chronicle

As expected, Prime Minister Najib Razak announced a cabinet reshuffle, which although minor may light another fire at the still-smoking MCA and ratchet up the volume of the screaming matches at the MIC.

Although, newly-elected MCA president Chua Soi Lek kept his promise of foregoing a Cabinet post, he helped his son Tee Yong to a deputy minister-ship.

Not only will this rightly spark accusations of nepotism, it will not sit well with rival factions or the supporters of his predecessor Ong Tee Keat – who was also dumped as Transport Minister.

At the MIC, deputy president Senator G Palanivel was made deputy minister of Plantations, Industries and Commodities – a move pundits had predicted after he gave way to P Kamalanathan, Umno’s choice of candidate for the Hulu Selangor by-election.

Needless to say, Pakatan leaders are smirking at the latest developments. Already, many are folding their arms and saying I told you so! Nothing changes at the BN!

“These are all recycled leaders. Leaders who have already been given the chance to do something for their community but failed. Now they have returned,” Batu MP Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.

Read more at: Cabinet Recyle: Losing the young, yet again
