Can we trust again?

I wonder if any independent research organization has ever conducted a poll to assess the percentage of Malaysians who trust their own government. It would be interesting to see the results of such a study in relation to the geographical distribution, age and racial composition of the respondents.

As we know, trust is based on an assumption that the person or thing in whom one places trust will act predictably and responsibly. But then, has our government been doing the RIGHT thing with admirable consistency or has it been otherwise?

Who is the government? Does the word ‘government’ conjure images of people we elected to office to run the country by passing the laws, controlling fiscal policies, providing public/social/merit goods, maintaining social institutions, keeping law and order, holding the country together in harmony that the whole country can develop based on its resources of land, labor, capital and enterprise?

Have the appointed legislators, administrators, regulators, and civil servants in the government alleviated our lives and demonstrated fiscal, political and social responsibility in what they do, say and plan?

Or has the time come for citizens to create another tidal wave of change in our country? Even if the time has come for that to happen in the next GE, the fact remains that it will be an uphill task, not that I want to sound like a prophet of doom.

Let’s consider the various political parties. At this point of time, they should be sniffing out candidates for the next GE and ensuring that they have a good track record from now till the next GE, not forgetting putting their character and integrity under the microscope before they put forth their names for nominations. This nominating process is critical and the leadership must put in their utmost effort to nominate, and elect worthy candidates who understand that their job in the country is to serve the rakyat, not themselves or even their party! Any nominee for a seat in the State Assembly or in Parliament should make an affirmative statement acknowledging the limits on what they can, will and will not do (including conditions for defections)before asking for our vote.

The events in the past two years have shaken our trust in both sides of the divide to different degrees. There is no place for political complacency or arrogance. The Opposition cannot assume that just because they made inroads in the last election, the trend can continue. They have to prove themselves to the rakyat. Similarly, the BN also cannot assume that the rakyat can vote them back just because of whatever negative experiences with the other side. Both sides of the divide MUST always put the interests of the rakyat above all else. A tall order indeed!

We have to remember that any position of power in public office needs a high sense of responsibility, accountability, transparency and integrity. With that, they must remember that any law or even an amendment to a law and implementation of policies that are not in the best interests of the rakyat CANNOT be passed just like that. Representatives MUST debate and present their case for/against the proposals so as not to betray the trust that the rakyat have placed in their representatives.

If the rakyat perceive any form of arrogance or situations where the political elite have wrested control from the people, the status quo could be at risk of facing the rakyat’s profound contempt for such unethical practices. Whilst the government has the legitimate right to control the health, education, and welfare of the rakyat, these must be carried out without fear or favor and with the best interests of the rakyat.

In reality, the rakyat may find government regulations that limit the scope of their activities such as via ISA. The voice of the rakyat is muffled and the media is muzzled. In such ways, is the life blood out of a democratic society being sucked out vampire-style? Does it seem that there are those who pander to their own hubris in the name of “reform” and “compassion” for the rakyat? Or are some deliberately weakening the sinews of the rakyat’s power and ineluctably eroding democratic principles?


