APCO counter-attacks (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)

Umno can’t have it both ways. Either Anwar is a friend of the Jews or he is their enemy. And with this latest move by APCO, Anwar is clearly going to be declared the latter.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The Malaysian government alleges that Anwar Ibrahim is a Jew lover, a CIA agent and a tool of the Americans — all in one but not necessarily in that order. APCO, however, is lobbying the United States government to get Anwar declared an enemy of America and the Jews. Below is the letter B’nai B’rith International wrote to get Anwar declared an enemy of the state.

Since APCO is behind this move it would most likely succeed — mainly because the Jewish lobby is very powerful and very seldom would the United States government ignore them and not kowtow to their demands.

This may not bode well for Anwar who makes frequent trips to the United States to give talks and deliver keynote addresses. Anwar may now find the invitations dwindling and some organisations and universities may be under pressure to cancel whatever invitations they have planned for Anwar to speak in their events.

Well, you can’t have it both ways. Either Anwar is a friend of the Jews, like how Umno alleges, or he is an enemy of the Jews, like how B’nai B’rith International alleges.

Anwar may lose out on international speaking engagements, in particular in the United States, but at least now he can go meet the Malays in the kampongs and tell them that Umno is lying about his Jewish connection and that he has, in fact, been declared an enemy of the Jews by the most powerful Jewish organisation in the world outside Israel.

Has Umno unwittingly given Anwar more prestige amongst the Malay-Muslim voters? I suppose Umno also can’t have it both ways. Either Anwar is a friend of the Jews or he is their enemy. And with this latest move by APCO, Anwar is clearly going to be declared the latter.

It is the Malays who will be voting in the next general election, not the Americans. So what the Malays think matter more than what the Americans think.

That is the bottom line as far as I am concerned.


May 25, 2010

The Honorable John F. Kerry, Chairman

The Honorable Richard G. Lugar, Ranking Member

Committee on Foreign Relations

United States Senate

Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Kerry and Senator Lugar:

On behalf of B’nai B’rith International’s more than 200,000 members and supporters, we write to express our deep concern about the flagrantly anti-Semitic pronouncements of Malaysia’s opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim.

Ibrahim, who spent several years living in Washington, D.C. cultivating a pro-Western image, has nonetheless used his position in the Malaysian parliament as a platform for spreading anti-Semitic propaganda. His frequent criticisms of the government of Prime Minister Najib Razak are infused with anti-Jewish and anti-Israel slanders, such as his April 30 assertion that Israeli spies are “directly involved in the running of the government.” On another occasion he alleged the presence of “Israeli intelligence personnel in the Police IT unit.”

Ibrahim also has said in parliament that the “Jewish-controlled” public relations firm hired by the Prime Minister was attempting to manipulate Malaysia to support U.S. policies. In the run-up to Malaysia’s 2008 elections, he said in an interview with IslamOnline, “I have evidence proving that the government is backing the Jewish lobby in the U.S. and some parties inside Israel.”

In light of the role that Ibrahim has played in the resurgence of anti-Semitic polemics in Malaysian politics, we ask that U.S. officials suspend their ties with Anwar Ibrahim. A purveyor of anti-Jewish hatred such as Ibrahim should not enjoy the measure of legitimacy that a positive relationship with the United States would confer upon him.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation. We look forward to remaining in communication with you about this matter in the near future.


Dennis W. Glick, President

Daniel S. Mariaschin, Executive Vice President



Translated into Chinese at: http://ccliew.blogspot.com/2010/06/blog-post_03.html

