Go after funders, not Raja Petra, says ex-Speaker

(The Star) – Go after the people funding an online portal linked to fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin instead of revoking his citizenship, said former Kedah Speaker Datuk Rozai Shafian.

Rozai said there was no need to revoke Raja Petra’s citizenship because he was merely a henchman.

“Everybody knows that Raja Petra is a henchman.”

“What’s important is for Malaysians to know the mastermind who pays this man,” he said in a statement here yesterday.

Rozai was commenting on Cheras Umno division chairman Datuk Syed Ali Alhabshee’s remark suggesting that the Government revoke the citizenship of the fugitive editor as he was no longer keen on staying in Malaysia.

Syed Ali said Raja Petra’s activities could affect peace in Malaysia and citizens who were not patriotic should not be given a place here.

“This man will work for people regardless of politicians, corporate figures or foreign countries.”

“To me, what’s important is for relevant government agencies to work towards tracking down those funding him,” Rozai said.

He added that a bankrupt like Raja Petra would never be able to live in London.

