Tunaikan janji, Pakatan Rakyat. Kami menuntut penerbitan Utusan Rakyat

The People’s Parliament

The petition to the Pakatan Rakyat leadership, the Menteris Besar, Chief Minister and the Excos of the Pakatan Rakyat state governments to honour their pledge to the rakyat to take the necessary measures to ensure and safeguard the freedom of the press and, to that end, to publish, print and distribute at least one state government daily newspaper in the Malay language, may be viewed and endorsed HERE.

Please give this effort your support and get everyone you know to do the same.


Remember the tabloid, said to be political, Kabar Era Pakatan, that had 3,000 copies of its debut and 3rd issue seized by the Home Ministry?

Malaysiakini has a report on that HERE.


