PKR leader exposes M’sia-Israel ‘trade links’

By Zefry Dahalan, Free Malaysia Today

SEREMBAN: A PKR leader has revealed evidence of alleged trade links between Malaysia and Israel and condemned the Barisan Nasional government as being ‘two-faced’.

Party supreme council member Badrul Hisham Shaharin exposed a document that “clearly proves there is trade between Malaysia and Israel although the two nations share no diplomatic ties.”

“This document proves there is trade between Malaysia and Israel. It clearly shows us that there is a customer in Natanya, Israel, buying the goods from a company in Malaysia.

“Don’t tell me the authorities don’t know about it as the document shows that the shipment was done legally and according to procedure,” he told a packed press conference yesterday.

Badrul said while Umno leaders criticised the attack launched by Israeli forces on vessels carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza, the government however was cooperating with the Zionist regime.

As an example, he cited the meeting between Defence Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and his Israeli counterpart Ehud Barak last June in Paris.


