Rafidah claims youths holding up Vision 2020

(TMI) “Get yourself ready to take over. You are not ready to take over the country if you are planning to do it by force or by toppling others or by highlighting how bad the others are.

“You are ready when you have the maturity and the strength to face challenges. A leader is not judged by the crowds he can muster but on how much the people can respect what he or she says,” she said.

KUALA LUMPUR, June 3 — Senior Umno politician Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz has voiced concerns that the current generation of rebellious and outspoken young Malaysians will be a stumbling block to the country’s aim of becoming a developed nation under Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s Vision 2020.

The former international trade and industry minister claimed that this anti-establishment culture among the young could be detrimental to society, especially if Malaysia wanted to achieve developed-nation status “in its own mould”.

“Unless these people take stock of their own emotions, ambitions; take stock of what is good for the community or the country, they will be creating problems for their own futures. They are creating factions in this already heterogeneous society.

“This rebellious streak will only create hot pockets among the young and this is not good. That is the one unfortunate element of this era — the young are too impatient, they think they are the panacea for everything,” she pointed out in an interview with The Malaysian Insider at her home recently.

The Kuala Kangsar MP added that youths and the younger generation of politicians were often on “ego-trips”, thinking that their methods and assertions were the “cure-all” for the ills of society.

“They have forgotten that they come from an era that was created for them by their forefathers… without them, they would not have reached to where they are.

“When I became a politician, I never dared to speak out against my seniors… I was in awe of them and I wanted to learn from them,” she said.

Rafidah pointed out that Vision 2020 was achievable without the spread of such rebellion, for enshrined in a proviso of the initiative was to reach developed nation status in “Malaysia’s own mould”.

Read more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/rafidah-claims-youths-holding-up-vision-2020/

