Doctor says semen near anus ‘evidence’ of penetration

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider

The sodomy trial of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim took a graphic turn today when a government doctor testified that evidence of semen in the complainant’s anal region was sufficient to indicate penetration.

Dr Mohd Razali Ibrahim, one of the three doctors who had examined Anwar’s accuser, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, on June 28, 2008, said the swab samples taken from Saiful’s anus showed signs of semen, but that there was no tear or injury to the anus. The examination was done two days after the alleged sodomy.

“With all the reports before me now, I would say that there is evidence of penetration even without clinical injuries.”

“With presence of semen, there is evidence of anal penetration,” said Dr Razali in response to the prosecution’s questions in court today.

Solicitor-General II Datuk Yusof Zainal Abiden had earlier asked Dr Razali about his own report dated June 28, which stated that there were “no injuries, no tear… no conclusive findings of penetration to the rectum.”

The doctor explained that, at the time, he had no knowledge of the location of swab samples which were taken from Saiful.

“I checked and found around anal anatomy appears to be moist, but I can’t find evidence of injury or trauma.”

“I only found small haemorrhoids, which is not significant in this case,” he said.

The swab samples, according to another report, had evidence of semen.

The report was only made known to Dr Razali today by the prosecution during questioning.

This led Dr Razali to change his conclusion based on the new report, which shed light on the areas from which the swab samples had been taken.

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