With 2 out 5 civil servants deemed corrupt by CUEPACS, the MACC is a big flop as it did not even arrest 0.1 per cent of the corrupt civil servants last year

By Lim Kit Siang

Cuepacs President Omar Osman said in Temerloh last night that a total of 418,200 or 41 per cent of the 1.2 million civil servants in the country were suspected to be involved in corruption last year.

This is the Bernama report last night:

41 Per Cent Of Civil Servants Suspected Involved In Graft Last Year – Cuepacs

TEMERLOH, June 2 (Bernama) — A total of 418,200 or 41 per cent of the 1.2 million civil servants in the country were suspected to be involved in corruption last year, said Cuepacs president Omar Osman.

He said this was worrying and needed to be tackled urgently.

“To combat the scourge, Cuepacs will work closely with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission so that civil servants involved in corrupt activities can be brought to book,” he told reporters after opening the triennial general meeting of one of the affiliates of the umbrella union, here Wednesday.

Omar said besides corruption, Cuepacs would also not protect civil servants who had discipline problems like playing truant or forging medical certificates.

“There have been cases where a 1 day medical leave prescribed by the doctor have been amended to read 11 days,” said Omar.


With Cuepacs making the shocking disclosure that two out five civil servants in government are corrupt, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is a big flop as it only arrested 500 people last year and 144 people in the first quarter of the year.

According to official statistics, only 76 out of the 144 arrested by MACC for corruption in the first quarter were civil servants, i.e. 52.7%.

If the CUEPACS President ‘s estimate is not far wrong, and going by the breakdown of this arrests in the first quarter of this year. i.e. 52.7% are civil servants, this would mean that last year, the number of civil servants arrested was 263 (52.7% of 500) when the total who should be arrested should be 418,200 (41% of 1.2 million).

This is not even 0.1 per cent as it represented a mere 0.06 per cent of the civil servants deemed corrupt by the CUEPACS President.

Read more at: http://blog.limkitsiang.com/2010/06/03/with-two-out-five-civil-servants-deemed-corrupt-by-cuepacs-the-macc-is-a-big-flop-as-it-did-not-even-arrest-0-1-per-cent-of-the-corrupt-civil-servants-last-year-as-its-recorded-some-0-06-per-cent-of/
