Well said, TDM!

So TDM, when you urge us to condemn the Zionists’ act, reminding us on the need for democracy, does that also apply to our own dearest Malaysia as well? If that is so, does that mean that you are also urging us to condemn UMNO?

By ViewAct

I had the privilege to sit down calmly this morning to enjoy a short moment of TV upon weeks of demanding work. At the stall, there is MHI and the host is interviewing TDM on the issues regarding the recent Israeli attack on the ship carrying aid. I listened with amusement when he took on the Zionists directly, pinpointing each wrong that they have done, and urging us to condemn such acts.

I did not hear the earlier part of the interview. And I was fortunate to catch the word “Zionist” and “Israelis” else I would be wondering if TDM HAS CHANGED FOR THE BETTER.

Let me explain. In that interview, I managed to capture a few points which TDM has brought up against Zionists. Allow me to rephrase them as I did not copy them word for word. We shall wait until the video comes out in youtube before we confirm the statements I mention here (if the video ever gets posted).

1)      Israel Zionists do not only kill Palestinian Muslims. They kill anyone.

2)      They misuse their power to arrest and kill those whom they think are against them.

3)      They are arrogant towards others, and regard themselves better than others.

4)      As long as they want it, they will do it; even if it breaks their country’s laws or even the international laws.

5)      They destroyed democracy.

6)      They think they can influence international power.

Do they look familiar? At first, I THOUGHT HE WAS TALKING ABOUT UMNO AND THE CURRENT FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! Let’s take each point into a little more detail.

1)      The Police force under UMNO also kills anyone now. Not only criminals. We have a 14 year old boy being shot, we have deaths in custody, etc. Not only the police force. Even MACC kills (TBH).

2)      UMNO misuses their power to arrest people under ISA, and anyone they think is against them. We have interrupted peaceful candle vigils, we have RPK exiling himself, we have Hindraf leaders arrested, we have Ops Lalang, etc.

3)      They are arrogant. Just go into Parliament, sit in the lobby and watch them debate and you will see it. Their discrimination of others and how they talk shows how they regard themselves as better than others. All the “bocor” statement; “50 years ago and 50 years later”; “Project Babi Negara”; “cacat” etc are statements that insult and look down on others.

4)      As long as they want to, when has UMNO followed the law? They even twist the law to their favour. See the Perak issue; RPK’s sedition charge; Allah issue; etc

5)      They destroyed democracy with their intervention into EC, police, etc. And a good example is the Perak crisis.

6)      Remember how they will jump each time foreign powers try to advise them? Anwar’s case, and the death of the judiciary system in Malaysia where UK, US and Australia tried to wake them up, where UMNO replied with demonstrations, shouts and screams?

So TDM, when you urge us to condemn the Zionists’ act, reminding us on the need for democracy, does that also apply to our own dearest Malaysia as well? If that is so, does that mean that you are also urging us to condemn UMNO?

Or is it that you set 2 sets of standards for us? While you made the call for us to condemn Zionists, you yourself support them from behind. Just like how you banned them while having millions kept in their banks?

I would really like to compliment your statement this morning, but only if you mean it. But I like it when you contradict yourself. As I always say, for a fool, the more he speaks, the more he shows his foolishness. The more you speak, the more you show us the contradicting views you have. And that makes you a hypocrite.

To all Malaysians. We need to be consistent in our stance. We condemn the Zionists’ act, we should also condemn all similar acts. Likewise, if Pakatan does that, we should also condemn similarly. Now that UMNO has done it for years, shouldn’t all Malaysians ban UMNO from Malaysia? Dear UMNO MPs, are you Muslims or are you Zionists? Or are you Zionist in the name of Islam, and betray Islam for your Zionist beliefs?
