Private Khairy to the Rescue

By G. Krishnan

As international pressure continues to mount on Israel’s apparent heavy-handed response some days ago to the flotilla that tried to sail into Gaza, we have seen a range of responses from various quarters directed at Israel. Even as we continue to anticipate the consequences of the fallout from that tragic incident, another showdown between Israeli forces and another flotilla is potentially in the making in the Mediterranean is underway as another ship purportedly carrying aid is headed towards Israeli waters.

Surely, after what transpired during our local demonstrations against Israeli’s actions with the last flotilla, and the admonitions and warnings in the charged comments by Khairy Jamaluddin will ring loud in the ears of the Israeli authorities as they weigh their options on how to confront the impending situation.

Surely having such words coming from such a highly skilled and trained soldier must give the Israeli forces real shivers. After all, Khairy would be coming to the rescue of the residents of Gaza and spearhead the demise of the Israeli regime. The terrorist organisation Hamas could not do it and the clandestine operations for years from southern Lebanon could not defeat the Israeli regime. Indeed, even the 1967 Arab invasion of Israel ended up as a political and military catastrophe for the Palestinians. But I guess the Israelis have yet to encounter the prowess of the Umno Youth and their Private Khairy.

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