Clash of the muftis in Malaysia

(AFP) – DRESSED in a modern grey suit teamed with a black skull cap, Malaysian cleric Asri Zainul Abidin is the poster boy for liberal Muslims who are tussling with hardliners in this multi-ethnic nation.

Mr Asri, a boyish-looking 39-year-old, is considered one of Malaysia’s top Islamic theologians and has a growing following of young, educated Muslims who are drawn by his moderate views.

But the thoroughly modern mufti now faces trial on charges that could land him in jail for two years in what his supporters say is an attempt to muzzle liberal voices in Muslim-majority Malaysia.

‘Yes, there is a battle for Islam between the conservatives and progressives in Malaysia,’ Mr Asri told AFP. ‘We will enter the dark ages if we allow the conservatives to win.’ Mr Asri has been charged under religious ‘sharia’ law for giving a lecture on Islam last November without authorisation.

But the cleric says his real offence has been to enrage the country’s religious establishment, which has become increasingly strident in recent times, imposing caning sentences that have rarely if ever been enforced before.

Sharia courts – which operate alongside the civil courts in a dual-track system – recently ordered three young Muslim women to be caned for having extramarital sex.

