Excluded Khairy risk losing Parliament seat and KP post

The debate over Khairy’s exclusion from the Cabinet carried on after the Prime Minister’s Cabinet vacancy addition excercise recently.

Few Ketua Pemuda Negeri made appeal, expressed disappointment, and in the case of Ketua Pemuda Selangor openly threatened the Prime Minister. The fact that they are handpicked by Khairy did not lend them any credibility.

At his behest or not, sources told of Dato Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Dato Hishamuddin Hussein Onn, Dato Shahrizat Jalil and Dato Azeez Rahim met PM to convince the merit of Khairy’s appointment.

As said by Pemuda exco, Hishamuddin Yeop, the prerogative to select Cabinet members lies with the PM. It is his call not to ignore the loud voices from grassroot supporters and volunteers against the idea. Without a functioning Pemuda, they are more valuable to the PM for support.

Failed leadership and Arrogance

It is unthinkable that Pemuda UMNO cannot get it to their head. Khairy’s image is much too tainted to be an asset to UMNO, even if the unlikelihood that he is no more perceived as liability.

Khairy failed miserably to undertake the single task assigned by the party President of uniting and rebuilding the Pemuda movement. He is adamant to keep his own people for the Ketua Pemuda Negeri and key positions in Pusat.

The pre-2008 political power play to sabotage and block events associated to selective officebearers and individuals creeped back into the ground. Words are verbal instructions came from Pemuda Pusat

Pemuda UMNO did not seriously does not appeal to the youth voters, ineffective as an election machinery, and has not played any significant role in voters registration. Reliable source said Khairy had privately warned that UMNO will continue to suffer, if PM continues to ignore him.

Even, if Khairy is capable of doing so and UMNO is solely dependent on him, which is not anymore, Khairy is unlikely to be Minister in the next few years. For one and only one reason, not only will he not be a Minister, he also run the risk of losing his Parliamentary seat and Ketua Pemuda post.

Khairy was sued by Anwar Ibrahim for RM100 million. He chose to ignore and not defend against the lawsuit. This gave Anwar a walkover judgement in default on December 4th, 2008.

How silly and arrogant can one be as to not defend a lawsuit against oneself? He must have assumed that he can reverse the court judgement just by a mere phone call to the court. By jolly, he was the son-in-law of the then PM Tun Abdullah, heaven’s sake.

It seems almost no one took notice of the news that Khairy couldn’t set aside judgement in default made by the court. Read the news below:


