Saiful – The chronology

I was getting a bit confused and mixed up with all the dates and times and the sequence of events in the Anwar trial.

So I thought it would be best to come up with a chronology of events gleaned from publicly available information especially news reports of the witness testimony at the trial, Saiful’s blog, etc.

Dec 2007/Jan 2008

Saiful meets Najib’s special officer at Najib’s office to get a letter of support for training as a pilot.

(But Utusan on 1 July 2008 quotes Najib as saying on 30 June that the meeting took place three months earlier (i.e. March/April 2008?)

March 2008

Before 8 March 2008 – Becomes a PKR volunteer. He’s a BN supporter but campaigns for PKR’s Sivarasa and Elizabeth Wong and votes for PKR candidates.

After March 2008 – Saiful becomes an aide to Anwar

May 2008

Early May – Hongkong trip (per Saiful’s blog)
End May – Bangkok trip (per Saiful’s blog)

June 2008

16-18 – Singapore trip (per Saiful’s blog)

Saiful says he was sodomised during these trips.

24 (Tuesday):

8.30pm – After Maghrib prayers, Najib’s ex-aide Khairil Anas accompanies Saiful to meet Najib at the DPM’s residence in Taman Duta. Denies that it was Mumtaz that took him. Najib tells him it is Anwar’s personal problem and that it also affects Saiful’s future. Saiful says he overhears IGP’s number and records it. Meeting lasts 20 minutes. He catches a glimpse of Rosmah on his way out but doesn’t speak to her.

Khairil drives Saiful home. Receives call from SAC Rodwan (then Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation Dept). After a few hours, meets Rodwan the same night in a room at Hotel Melia. (Was it 8.00pm or closer to midnight?) Rodwan requests a second meeting at Concorde Hotel the next day.

25 (Wednesday) – Morning: Saiful contacts IGP and speaks for a minute to tell him about his problems. But is scolded by IGP who thinks it’s a crank call. Second meeting with Rodwan cancelled(?)

26 (Thursday)

Morning: Has a bath.

1.45-2.45pm: Drives from PKR office to condo to send file to Anwar.

3.01-4.30pm: Alleged sodomy takes place at Desa Damansara Condo owned by Hasanudin

Saiful complains after that to Tuah Mohammad.

27 (Friday)

3.01am* – Saiful submits resignation email to Anwar citing his indiscipline and lack of punctuality and lack of qualifications which might embarrass Anwar later. (*per email scanned on Saiful’s blog).

6.28am* – Anwar responds to the email (* per email scanned on Saiful’s blog).

9.30am – Saiful goes to PKR office

Afternoon – performs Friday prayers after just a light rinse.

5.00pm – Attends Anwar Ibrahim Club event with bloggers in Anwar’s house, serves coffee/tea to about a dozen or so people.

11.00pm – Meets Ezam until early morning in Rawang, at Bandar Tasik Puteri. He is accompanied by Rahimi Osman and uncle Tuah Mohd Ali. Tells Ezam he has been abused. Also informs Mumtaz earlier in the day.


