Sodomy II and the Umno mentality

By Malaysia Chronicle

While we watch astounded at Umno’s audacious attempt to ram a crumbling sodomy case through court with questionable legal maneuvers which no fair court would tolerate, we are left wondering at the mentality behind Umno.

Is Umno aware that the world is watching and a conviction which turns Anwar Ibrahim into a victim of political persecution would be more damaging to BN than a free Anwar or a weakened MCA and a near-defunct MIC?

What could possibly drive Umno to undertake this risky misadventure when retribution from a public backlash is staring at them in the face?

No government which has to face elections will do what Umno does. Sodomy II is more in tune with a military dictatorship like Myanmar or a banana republic like Zimbabwe rather than a modern democracy like Malaysia (or pseudo-democracy if you want to nitpick).

To understand why this circus trial is going on we must delve deep into Umno’s mentality. The first characteristic of Umno’s mentality is that it is infantile. To a young child the present eclipse the future in importance. It is pointless to bribe a little child to give up something in his hands for something better in future.

We can see Umno’s infantile mentality clearly in the Perak power grab. It will not give up the immediate prize of Perak even if threatened with the loss of Federal power in the next election. Hence the incarceration of Anwar is an immediate benefit which outweighs any thoughts of future repercussion.

The next characteristic of Umno may be aptly termed “the monkey mentality.” Kampung boys will know how to catch a monkey by drilling a hole in a coconut just large enough for its hands to go through. Some food is place inside preferably under the watchful eyes of the simians and the coconut left alone. The curious monkey reaches into the hole to grab the food but is unable to withdraw its hand while grabbing the food. The monkey can then be approached and captured as it will not let go of the food no matter what threats it faces.

Again in the Perak power grab we can observe this monkey mentality in Umno. Against the on slaughter of negative public opinion Umno will not let go of Perak by calling for new state elections. Similarly now that its paws have grasped hold of Anwar it will not let go no matter what dire consequences looms ahead.

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