The Advantages of Gambling

By John Doe

So says Vincent Tan. He already knows how much good gambling can do for him. He, under TT Group, already runs a large gambling and vice outfit. Caesar’s Palace in SS2 is just one of them. He operates under the Clubs and Societies licence, which basically allows for a “gaming room”. He claims to give people employment. He will tell you that it puts food on the table of his employees. With all the “Special Room” Mahjong Sessions and so on.

Let’s also look at all the bookies who run side-bets all over the country. They make a good living. They feed their families. They also make side-income from partnering with Ah Longs who will come to the “rescue” of those who lost heavily. Yes, they make a cut too. These people are also linked to the Vice Industry. And I’m talking about the Human Trafficked Prostitutes. If an adult woman wants to sell her body, then she is old enough to think for herself. Any NGO will tell you the same. However, what many of us are screaming about, is the illegal use of children as sex toys. Yes, children, who are below 16 years of age. They are vulnerable, and should be playing with their Barbie Dolls, and not pleasuring men with their Vaginas and mouths.
Can you imagine your underaged daughter doing this 20 times a night to other men? You must be a very sick Bastard if you approve of your daughter doing this. So why the double standards? Check in with Genting to see how many “young and fresh” underaged girls they can offer you. Start with asking the Bell-hop; if not, then the night security …. They will also sell you any kind of drugs you can imagine. Just wave a couple of hundreds in front of them. And they will deliver anything you want, to your room, in around 15 minutes.
Back to the Gambling Industry. Vincent is also very aware of the huge profit margins which Gambling provides. He has also partnered with Atlantic from Australia to use Internet Gambling to add to his personal wealth. All this you can do at Caesar’s Palace in SS2. I guess he got sick of paying the Police RM15,000 – RM20,000 per outlet per month for his operations (before free booze, and free women as well). Now he has it legalized so that he can pay directly to UMNO and come out smelling like roses too. And then, you have all the die-hard gambling Malays. Who says that Malays don’t gamble? The first Prime Minister was an avid Horse-Racing punter. That IS GAMBLING!! And how many of you know that Genting Highlands allows Malays to enter their doors after 2am? Yes, they have nice special rooms for these people. Let’s see … Baccarat at RM10k per hand, anyone???
Look at the 2 spanking new Casinos in Singapore, and look at Genting Highlands. At the same time, look at all the other Casinos worldwide. Vegas, Monte Carlo, Macau, and so on. Magnificent, aren’t they? All the glitz, glitteratti, pomp, and glamour!! Makes you imagine yourself as James Bond ordering “Martini, shaken, not stirred” while playing craps, ain’t it? Good! That’s EXACTLY how they want you to feel. However, look at all those buildings again!! They were built by LOSERS like you!! Yes. YOU!!
Try celebrating ONE Chinese New Year without Gambling. Try playing Snooker or Pool without betting, try watching a game of anything without “side bets”, and see if you can take it. Vincent Tan is only making money off YOUR bad habits, and he is smart to do so. UMNO already treats Malaysian Citizens like useless cockroaches and diseased rats. What’s making a few bucks from the “terminally ill” to them? After all, UMNO is more than willing to even sell Burmese Refugees to Thailand Human Traffickers (click here). Until you curb your own vice, GET OFF YOUR MORAL High-Horse. You only get what you deserve.
Final Word. Children, please say this to your gambling parents, “Mommy, Daddy, are you gambling away my education and food money again?” If they say “yes”, then get yourself some new parents. Yep. Put yourself up for adoption for parents who don’t gamble. Who sez this can’t be done?
