Kong: No more PKFZ probes

(The Star) – There is no need for a further re-look into the Port Klang Free Zone controversy as there have been sufficient investigations and studies into the matter, said newly-appointed Trans­port Minister Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha.

He said, however, he would take the time to understand and learn all about the highly-publicised scandal when he holds meetings with the various department heads for a briefing on their duties, operations and projects.

“My main focus will be on improving urban public transport as listed in the National Key Result Areas announced by Prime Mini­ster Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak,” he told a press conference after the ceremony where his predecessor Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat handed over duties to him.

Passing the baton: Ong (right) handing over the duties to Kong at the ministry in Putrajaya yesterday.

Asked what he felt about his appointment as Transport Mini­ster, Kong said it was just another job and as in any new position his first action would be to understand the functions of each department and agency in the ministry.

“The first thing is to meet with all the department heads and understand the functions before I start to look at any short, medium and long-term plans for the ministry.

“It’s another new learning experience and I will have to learn as much as quickly as possible,” he said.

Ong, who left the ministry as soon as the handing-over ceremony was completed, was not present at the press conference.

