Muslim leaders: How can Umno use APCO to persecute Anwar?

APCO itself has already sharpened its claws and waiting to exact revenge on Anwar. Through B’nai B’rith International, a U.S.-based Zionist organization, it has lodged a complaint about Anwar to John Kerry, the Chairman of the U.S. government’s Committee on Foreign Relations.

By Malaysia Chronicle

The news that Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim was denied legal representation by the BN-dominated parliamentary rights and privileges committee came as no surprise.

No Malaysian really expected that he would be given a fair hearing, least of all by his arch rival Prime Minister Najib Razak.

But what shocked many, especially within the Muslim community, was that this select committee actually summoned APCO – the source of the issue – to give evidence against Anwar – a fellow Muslim. And behind his back too!

“Umno is supposed to be Muslim but they are using a Zionist ally to twist in the knife against another Muslim, Anwar Ibrahim. This is not right,” Kubang Kerian MP Salahuddin Ayub told Malaysia Chronicle.

APCO waiting to exact revenge on Anwar

APCO is the international public relations firm with links to top Zionist leaders that was hired by Najib to advise on strategic matters. It will testify to the Malaysian committee in a special closed-door meeting on Wednesday from which Anwar has been barred, making it impossible for him to defend himself.

During a speech in Parliament earlier this year, the Pakatan Rakyat de-facto head had questioned APCO’s credentials and raised concerns that Najib’s prized 1Malaysia platform was based on former Israeli PM Ehud Barak’s One Israel.

To save Najib and his Umno party – the dominant partner in the ruling BN coalition – embarrassment, BN lawmakers referred Anwar to the disciplinary committee for misleading the House. If he is found guilty, he can be suspended from Parliament.

APCO itself has already sharpened its claws and waiting to exact revenge on Anwar. Through B’nai B’rith International, a U.S.-based Zionist organization, it has lodged a complaint about Anwar to John Kerry, the Chairman of the U.S. government’s Committee on Foreign Relations.

“The way Umno and APCO are going all out by using their contacts and parliamentary majority to bulldoze through our standing orders, I don’t think it is likely that Anwar can escape. The chances are high they will exact the maximum punishment – yes, Anwar can be suspended for months even more than a year,” Kota Bharu MP Wan Abdul Rahim told Malaysia Chronicle.


