The betting license saga

Let us now disect the Home Minister’s statement as compared to the PM’s. He said APPROVED and Mr PM says AWARDED. There’s a trick here and I am expecting them to twist the sentence again.

By ViewAct

Reading the news in Malaysia Today this morning, I can’t help but decide to put my thoughts down in writing to be shared with all Malaysians.

We first have Vincent telling everybody how good gambling is for the Malaysian economy. Then we have the Home Minister declaring that the license has long been APPROVED. Then we have the PM who declared that the license has not been AWARDED to Vincent. And now we have thousands of upset Rakyat over the government’s attitude. 

I am seeing the following to come (and by writing this, I am trying to invoke the police to action when the leagues kick off). But sadly, I am also expecting the police to spring into action the opposite way – arresting anyone who questions.

First, Vincent was saying that legalizing betting helps the government in tax revenue. Well, he is not wrong in saying that, but it does not help Malaysia as a whole as the betting money comes from OUR OWN RAKYAT. It simply means BETTING TAKES RAKYAT’S MONEY TO FILL UP GOVERNMENT’S CHEST. Now, assuming that there are no monies flowing in and out of the country, the act of betting is only a way to move money from one pocket to another. In other words, it’s LEGALIZED ROBBERY. A few people get rich, but it will cause the mass to be much poorer.

Well, I do not bet or gamble with my money. But if people around me does, and if by mistake they lose big money, do you think it will not affect me? The “victim” may face depression, agitation, etc and that would be a social issue. Else, why would there so many suicide cases due to debts happening during betting season? How about fights and murder cases due to losing a bet? I’m sure Vincent, Home Minister or even Mr. PM has read many of such cases during betting season. Unless they patronize their own special bars and pubs that are especially for VIPs.

What if he is a businessman? To cover his losses, he may impose higher charges to things he sell, or the services he provides. Is this really “some” development? Some “victims” may even resort to robbery, cons and scams to survive their betting losses. Good for the economy? I can’t see how.

Let us now disect the Home Minister’s statement as compared to the PM’s. He said APPROVED and Mr PM says AWARDED. There’s a trick here and I am expecting them to twist the sentence again. Mr. Home Minister will say that they have APPROVED the license a looooonnnnnggg time ago which is not very wrong. Genting’s casino, Sports Toto and the lot were established a looooooooogggggg time ago. But the recent betting license is NOT AWARDED yet, which is what Mr. PM says. So, they will again claim that the opposition is trying to make a scene out of their statement, and that they have not contradicted themselves.

Well, we continue to object, they continue to deny. If they are lucky, it will go through and they can happily and openly take the rakyat’s hard-earned money. If the issue drags on, I AM QUITE SURE THEY WILL SOMEHOW CONTINUE IT IN THE BACKGROUND, and wait for the issue to quiet down. A few years down the road, when the economy is better and the trend is suitable, they will again officially legalize it. There would be no issue then. That is, provided they are still the government of the day.

I’m thus writing this hoping that the opposition would challenge the police. That they will crack down on all such betting as the government HAS YET to award the license. And for this, I would like to see how desperate the government will appear in their rush to get this approved. Either way, it’s a lose-lose situation for them.

As for the rakyat, I am urging you all to reject such betting (especially from agents of Mr. Vincent) for your own sake, for your family and for the sake of the country’s future. Let these people bear the fruit of the action that they have imposed on the rakyat, robbing us to enrich themselves. So, my fellow Malaysians, let’s unite to kick them hard on the groin this time. And coming GE 13, kick them out of Putrajaya.

