The Cuckoo’s Nest

The other proposal for a high-speed rail link connecting KL and Singapore is from a Barisan Nasional (BN) component party to form a special purpose vehicle with capital from some of its other partners in the ruling coalition.

Did I read this right was my first reaction? Political parties now forming SPVs to go into business to earn money? In the open? Have we gone mad? Throw out any sense of propriety; political parties are now openly revealing their true purpose of coming to power- conferring upon themselves a right to pillage the country.

Doesn’t matter you called it a Swiss bid or not. When it comes to Malaysia, anything foreign brought in will be UMNOnised or Malaysianised or MCAcised (as in PKFZ) ir MICed in the case of whatever. The people? All will be circumcised.

Everyone knows that Gamuda or MMIC already contained large chunks of shares owned by political parties. Maybe Gamuda has the involvement of the Perak Royalty with some Chinamen as the prominent front man – but it has UMNO’s interest there.

Why do you confine the whole thing to a Swiss bid? Because it’s in the nature of the business? The one coming in, though unsolicited will be given the handicap? The 3rd one coming in is allowed in just for show purpose to give some sort of transparency and probity?


