The Great Malaysian Scam

Today it is going to be a very short article. No more cheong hei. Today it is straight to the point. Today is about May 13. No, it is not about the May 13 of 1969. It is about the May 13 of 2010, the day when Vincent Tan took Malaysians for a ride in The Great Malaysian Scam.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

On 12 May 2010, Berjaya Corp, a company owned by Vincent Tan, was alleged to have told Bursa Malaysia that it plans to purchase a controlling stake in Ascot Sports, which has been re-issued a conditional sports betting licence by the Finance Ministry. Well, that is what Vincent Tan alleged. However, if you look at this link, you will see that no such announcement was ever made.

Next, look at the chart below. See how many shares were transacted after Berjaya’s so-called 12 May 2010 ‘announcement’ to Bursa Malaysia. On 13 May 2010, the ‘May 13’ I am talking about, the share price jumped. The turnover also shot up.

How many suckers went in and got burnt? And all because of Vincent Tan’s ‘official announcement’ to Bursa Malaysia that was never made but merely ‘confirmed’ in a press conference.

If what Vincent Tan did is not a scam then I am still a virgin. And we all know I am no longer a virgin.

So there your are! That is my article for today. That is all I want to say. And Bursa Malaysia says Vincent Tan is as clean as a whistle.


