Nasty BN MPs shock parents in Parliament

By B Nantha Kumar, Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: A roundtable discussion involving 100 frustrated parents of top Indian SPM students and several Pakatan Rakyat MPs turned chaotic when two Barisan Nasional MPs and a senator stormed the room shouting, “Ini himpunan haram, keluar dari sini’ (This is an illegal gathering. Get out!). (See

The parents were momentarily stunned at the unbecoming behaviour of MPs Idris Haron (Tangga Batu) and Bung Mokhtar Radin (Kinabatangan) and senator Maznah Mazlan.

The trio claimed the place was reserved as a rest area for MPs and so cannot be used for a conference.

Another MP, who declined to be named, said the situation grew tense when Ipoh Barat MP M Kulasegaran explained to the trio that they had secured permission to use the area and the latter had no right to order them out.

“They were rude and abrasive. They left after we refused to budge. But they later raised the issue with the Speaker,” said the MP.

Earlier, before the ruckus, the parents had endorsed the Pakatan MPs as their intermediaries to seek help in securing scholarships for their children who had done well in their SPM.


