Bulan Puasa Also Can Gamble?

Why aren’t there anybody wanting to enforce such offences? The authorities, on the other hand, got time and effort to catch and cane a woman who drinks but what is so obvious and blatant, they don’t do anything about. Authorities got time to catch people drinking water during Ramadhan when gambling is an even bigger sin.

By Irlan

Sports Betting is not a good idea at all. With the new Sports Betting coming to birth, more Muslims will be committing sin by indulging in it. Let’s look at the current situation where 4 digit gambling is concerned.
Every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, go to any Magnum 4D, Sports Toto outlet and you can see Muslims lining up like bees to buy their “empat nombor ekor”, ie indulging in gambling, an act strongly prohibited in Islam.
To make matters worse, in each and every gambling outlet, there is a huge sign which states, “Judi adalah salah di sisi Islam”.
Why aren’t there anybody wanting to enforce such offences? The authorities, on the other hand, got time and effort to catch and cane a woman who drinks but what is so obvious and blatant, they don’t do anything about.
Even during Bulan Puasa (Ramadhan), go to the same Magnum 4D and Sports Toto shops, and again, you can see a beeline of Muslims punting their numbers. The religious enforcement officers, don’t even have to set an entrapment to wait to catch a Muslim committing the offence of gambling. The offences are committed the whole day long!. This is even worse as the sins committed are dua kali ganda being Bulan Puasa
But authorities got time to catch people drinking water during Ramadhan when gambling is an even bigger sin.
Just line up to buy your set of numbers, you see the Muslims not just buying RM1 or RM2 ringgit of numbers, but they are buying few hundred ringgit, confirming some are even very big gamblers indeed.
Now with the new Sports Betting coming to place, more Muslims are going to get caught in this sinful gambling. Is this what our Muslim government wants?
Is this really a Muslim country or Mat Salleh country? When there are offences glaring in front of you, the enforcement officers ignore such offences but have the time to hide in the Taman Bunga and catch and prosecute couples holding hands.
I am sure the Federal government won’t mind the lesser sin taxes it will obtain annually due to lesser patronage of such  gambling establishments due to strict enforcement of Syariah laws in the light that it will promote a healthier society.
Is RM3 billion taxes from Sports Betting more important than allowing a scenario that permits more Muslims to sin ie setting up or allowing Sports Betting to run in this country?
Bulan Ramadhan is coming, do yourself a favour, park outside a Sports Toto outlet or a Magnum outlet and count how many Muslims visit such outlets, you will be shocked. Soon, with Sports Betting, it will be the same scenario.
