Starting the journey to Putrajaya

(Free Malaysia Today) – PENGKALAN CHEPA: At the joint opening of the 56th PAS muktamar (convention) here last night, PAS spiritual leader Nik Aziz Nik Mat called on the party’s senior scholars to groom a second layer of guides because it was a now reference point for others.

“PAS is no more an insular party… We are now a point of reference not only on Islam, but also the interpretation of it and its place in everyday life,” he told a packed hall of delegates from across the country.

His words were a reminder of PAS’ unequivocal stand on the contentious “Allah” issue, which in January had ripped apart the country’s social fabric.

Amidst arson attacks on churches nationwide and protests by Umno-Barisan Nasional-linked Muslims groups, PAS stood firm on the issue of fundamental rights to practise one’s own faith.

The party’s scholars subscribed to the view that the term “Allah” in the Christian scriptures pre-dated Islam and was widely used around the world.

Said Nik Aziz: “We are different from Umno, which uses religion to garner political support. People now can see the difference. We are now ready and all three wings must outline a cohesive strategy for our journey to Putrajaya.”


