SUPP-PKR exodus imminent?

(FMT) KUCHING: Rumours about an exodus from the Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) has gathered strength with a branch chief of the BN component party admitting he has met PKR leaders.

Toh Heng San, chairman of SUPP’s Engkilili branch, today confirmed speculation that he had been talking to top representatives of the opposition party, but declined to say whether he was jumping ship.

“Let it remain a rumour,” he said in an interview with FMT.

“What is important is that the Chinese voters cannot be bribed any more to support the Barisan Nasional. The recent Sibu by-election confirms this.”

Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian has also added strength to the defection rumours, telling FMT that his men had been meeting with SUPP branch and grassroots leaders.

“Yes, I am aware of their plan to join PKR because the party is multi-racial,” he said. “We will welcome them wholeheartedly.”

According to several sources, the exodus has actually begun and may be accelerated by Toh’s defection. They say about 50 grassroots leaders have left SUPP for PKR.

Toh’s branch has been embroiled in infighting over a move to admit independent Engkilili state assemblyman Johnichal Rayong into SUPP and allow him to defend the seat as the party’s candidate in the coming state election.

Deputy branch chairman Nyambong Ak Maweng, branch secretary Sibat Krutap and assistant secretary Lai Chaw Soon are for Rayong. On the other side of the fence are Toh and another influential figure, Jonathan Krai, whom Rayong defeated in the last election.

Sources say more than half of the branch officials are in the Toh-Krai camp.

