Ex-Sabah CM pans Najib’s ‘big words’ plan

By Queville To, Free Malaysia Today

KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has poured scorn on Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP), suggesting that apart from fanciful words, it has little else to show for.

“The fact that the list of projects for the first half of the plan can only be ready by the end of August shows that the government machinery has slackened,” said is president Yong Teck Lee.

“Previously, the lists were available upon the announcement of each plan. This slackening does not give confidence to the people in the successful implementation of the 10th Plan,” he added in a statement.

The former Sabah chief minister said the list was mere rhetoric, with the same sloganeering promises of “One Malaysia, People First, Delivery Now”, the “1Malaysia, Together We Prosper” budget followed by the Government Transformation Programme and then the New Economic Model.

“Big words like National Key Result Areas and laboratories of all sorts have been churned out relentlessly by ministers.

“So many policies and blueprints have been rolled out by the government that it must be really confusing for government bureaucrats to keep track and comply with,” he said.

“Today, we get the ’10th Malaysia Plan’ that boasts of (its aim to make Malaysia) a ‘high income nation’, ’10 big ideas’, high performing schools, first-world talent base, labour reforms, infrastructure projects, people-centric public transport system and so on.

“The question on everyone’s mind; is whether any of these targets can be achieved?,” he added.


