Ibrahim Ali: I don’t give a damn about MCA

By Stephanie Sta Maria, Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali has scoffed at an earlier statement by MCA that Perkasa’s racial espousals may have inadvertently contributed to the recent attack on a Selayang municipal councillor and his assistant.

“I don’t give a damn about MCA,” he said. “It is just capitalising on this unfortunate incident to gain political mileage and portray themselves as champions of the Chinese. In fact, I would like to congratulate MCA for defending DAP since the Selayang councillor is a DAP member.”

Some 50 individuals, wearing T-shirts bearing the Perkasa logo, assaulted Lim Ching How and his assistant Mohd Zuhudi Ahmad on Wednesday because of a dispute over the issuance of a land use permit to a charity organisation.

Ibrahim said that a check within Perkasa has not revealed the alleged assailants to be among its members.

“Perkasa T-shirts are available to anyone,” he told FMT. “Perkasa doesn’t condone violence nor allow its members to take part in violent activities. Violence is not our policy.”


