Please sir, we don’t understand English!

On a dreary Friday evening, I settled in front of my laptop with my homemade teh tarik in my hand hoping that I could read some gladdening news. With a smile, I clicked on this article headlined KARPAL ACQUITTED OF SEDITION CHARGE.

I was very happy to read that DAP chairman Karpal Singh, who turns 70 on June 28, received an early birthday gift today when the High Court here cleared him of sedition without his defence being called. MP Karpal was charged with sedition last year for saying the Sultan of Perak could be taken to court over the removal of Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin as the mentri besar during a press conference at his law firm here on February 6. The High Court here found the prosecution had failed to prove it had a case against him.

Feeling quite happy with the news, I sipped my teh tarik and continued to read the rest of the article. My eyes almost popped out when I read:


