Understanding abuse of power and the ultimate perpetrators

The People’s Parliament

First, understand that all power is rooted in the Federal Constitution. Without exception.

And stripped of all the fancy words, power in the constitution is vested with us.

Yes, us, the rakyat.

Makkal Sakhti.

People power.

That power vested in us is exercised through the vote.

We pick representatives to sit in Parliament and the state assemblies to device national and state policies, pass necessary national and state laws and set up national and state bodies and agencies and government departments to give effect to and implement those policies.

We used to have one more vote, that is, the choice of local councillors, but that was taken away from us formally in the 70s’.

Now as those bodies, agencies and departments are created, so too, they are given powers with a view to carry through objectives set out within the framework of the policies that have been set.

And these powers that are conferred are further delegated by superiors within those bodies, agencies and departments, to their subordinates, again, to implement and enforce policies set and laws passed.

What we finally end up with is a wide network of bodies, agencies and departments and their officers, wielding an array of powers, to carry through policies and laws, approved of and passed by our representatives.

Those powers, when exercised, must be for the purpose and objective for which they were conferred, and no other.

This must be strictly adhered to.


