New Scandal? More Burden For Rakyat?

Syed Akbar Ali

Folks I just heard this from the president of a well known consumer association in Subang Jaya. Changes are being proposed to the Road Transportation Act (the Pengangkutan thingy) whereby all owners of registered motor vehicles will be required to buy new car license number plates.

The new number plates will have some computer chip in it (to make the Government’s job easier I suppose). Here is the catch.

1. We will still have to pay the old Road Tax, get the Road Tax sticker etc.

2. The “monopoly” to issue these new number plates will be given to two new companies (most likely crony companies – because they were not chosen by open tender or highest bidder for the concession).

There are about 20 million registered vehicles in this country (cars, buses, lorries, motorbikes etc). So 20 million x RM150 = RM3.0 Billion.

This seems to be the scale of cronyism nowadays – its always in the Billions, no more in the millions.

So two lucky cronies will get the franchise to charge us RM150.00 per license plate.

Is this why Chrome Dome was recently appointed to head the suruhanjaya pengangkutan darat or something? There are Billions worth of ‘concessions’ to be given out.

Why burden the public even more? You are removing the subsides, the price of fuel, oil, flour, sugar is all going up. The Government wants to waste RM800 million to build a new Parliament building.


