Samy to ‘play a number’ on Palanivel?

(FMT) PETALING JAYA: Another controversy is taking shape in MIC over the formation of new Youth branches, which certain quarters claim could be the essential ingredient in a plot to oust deputy president G Palanivel.

Talk on the ground, said a source, is that the mission to form these branches is being spearheaded by MIC president S Samy Vellu’s most trusted lieutenant, his son Vell Paari.

He said the plan to form the 1,000 new branches was being done on the pretext of expanding MIC’s appeal to Indian youths and to give them a platform in the party.

However, he added, the real motive could be to end Palanivel’s political career.Although the source claimed that all signs were pointing in the direction of Samy Vellu wanting vice-president Dr S Subramaniam to be his successor, the president himself had gone on record to state it is Palanivel who would succeed him when he steps down next September.

When Samy Vellu steps down, Palanivel would become acting president, but there is speculation that an early presidential election could be called in order to finish off Palanivel.

“Samy Vellu might just say that the branch chairmen have no confidence in Palanivel or something to that effect and form a presidential council to conduct an early poll for the top post. So the presidential election could be brought forward to September 2011.

“Samy Vellu would stress fairness, and that he would hand over the reins to the victor elected by the branch chairmen. This is where the new branches would come into play. It is the branch chairmen who would vote in the presidential election,” said the source.

‘Palanivel, a threat to caste politics’

Asked why Samy Vellu would want to destroy his former press secretary, especially when he had openly backed him for the number two slot in the past, the source replied: “Caste”.

“Both Samy Vellu and Subramaniam are from the Devar caste. Although a minority in the party, the Devars want to continue their reign and they consider Palanivel as a threat to their domination.

“Palanivel would eliminate caste politics and open up the party to all regardless of their sub-ethnic backgrounds. He would also democratise the party and weak leaders who are not member-or- people-centric fear this,” he said.

In Selangor alone, the source said there would be 400 new branches and the state already has 939 branches.

