Siamese community enjoys Bumi rights: Nazri

(Bernama) – Some 60,000 Siamese in the peninsular, who are categorised as Bumiputeras, enjoy Bumiputera rights like the Malays, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz.


“As such, all quarters must accord them the Bumiputera rights like other Bumiputeras,” he told reporters after opening the Women in the Globalisation Era at the Machimmaram Siamese Temple at Kampung Jubakar here Saturday.

Mohamed Nazri, who is also the patron of the Malaysian Siamese Association, said Siamese living along the border of Thailand with Kelantan, Kedah, Perlis and Perak had lived in the country for a long time.

He urged all quarters to understand the Siamese citizenship status and accord them the Bumiputera rights.

On the problem of about 100 Siamese without identity cards in Kelantan, Mohamed Nazri said he would investigate the matter.

About 400 Siamese women from Tumpat and Pasir Mas attended the seminar, which is meant to enlighten them on their citizen rights.

