Idris Jala’s Plan To Bankrupt Malaysia

The next day, Friday 11th our group of pro UMNO Bloggers (some of whom are not even members of UMNO) had an interesting meeting. Much transpired at the meeting. Only then did we learn the ‘sham’ behind the PM’s speech.

By Syed Akbar Ali

I was at Astro Awani on Thursday June 10, when the PM tabled the 10th M’sia Plan in Parliament. It was a live telecast and we had to make our comments immediately after the PM tabled the Plan. I dont know if any of you readers saw the telecast.

While I was at the studio I received an sms forwarded to me by one of the UMNO Bloggers who had sent it to Dato Mukhriz Mahathir. The sms said, “Dato, dont say ‘there is nothing new'”. Mukhriz is famous for saying this when Slumberjack tabled something in Parliament once.

I must confess at that time, at a live telecast interview I was impressed by the PM’s 10th M’sia Plan speech. He even mentioned the ‘Sikhs’ – the first time I think a PM had mentioned the Sikhs in Parliament. When analysing his speech I did say that the PM did not say anything about job creation. There was no information on how many jobs were going to be created over the RMK10.

The next day, Friday 11th our group of pro UMNO Bloggers (some of whom are not even members of UMNO) had an interesting meeting. Much transpired at the meeting. Only then did we learn the ‘sham’ behind the PM’s speech.

It was prepared by the con-sultans. They just threw in as many feel good things as they could find. That is why the PM’s speech included the 12 NKEAs, the KPIs, the GTP, the NEM, the this and that. It was a complete breakfast with cereals, muesli, bananas, milk, toast, half boiled eggs, nasi lemak, roti canai, fruits and teh tarik all thrown in.

In terms of dishing out money, we really dont know how much there is in it for the ordinary man in the street versus the cronies and koporat who stand to make billions from some of the things the PM mentioned. I think it is going to be cronyism as usual.

Even the PM’s wife’s pet project, the Permata Pintar is getting RM36 million – aside from the RM29.0 million already in their kitty. Thats RM65 million already (that we know of). Guess how many pintar kids there are in the whole country? 900 only – according to the PM. That’s RM72,000 per pintar kid. Even a degree at a private university costs less than that. But will the pintar kids really get all these funds?

Dato Seri Idris Jala is working hard on the Government Transformation Program, the 12 National Key Economic Areas, the Key Performance Indicators, the 6 Key Result Areas and what not. Actually these are all con-sultan driven – with the ‘Mother of all GLCs’ closely involved. The GLC folks and the con-sultans are the ones thinking up all these things. The Government has subcontracted its thinking to the GLCs and the con-sultans.


